You will find your current Tier by going to your Earnings page and then clicking on the Tier Program Tab.
Your Current Tier:
Quarterly Progress:
You will be able to see your Tier progress for the upcoming quarter. This chart shows you what Tier you've unlocked and what you need to unlock the next Tier.
Historical Rank & Uploads:
You will be able to see your Rank History and Upload History on the graph available. To switch from Rank and Uploads, select the arrow drop down on the top left hand corner.
A scroll bar is available at the bottom of the graph that will allow you to look at 3 months of rank and upload history.
You will see two line graphs that represent Total Uploads and Qualifying Uploads (7+ minute videos)
Views by Country:
You will be able to see a breakdown of views by Country and the percentage that directly attributed to current quarter's earnings.