Absolutely! If you want to batch upload, you can do so. There is also the option to use the scheduler. The scheduler allows you to schedule your videos to be published at a later date within the same quarter during the upload process.
Scheduled releases are an excellent way to ensure your new content goes up in a timely matter. It also allows your fans time to enjoy each video before the next one. Additionally, this is a great way to ensure you meet the criteria for each quarter.
NOTE: If you intend to batch upload, please ensure you do so at least once per quarter. We use the upload date to determine which quarter it counts towards.
Example: If you upload a qualifying video on December 28 (Q4)* and schedule it to release on January 15 (Q1)*, it will count as a Q4 upload.
Quarter | Period |
Q1 | January, February, March |
Q2 | April, May, June |
Q3 | July, August, September |
Q4 | October, November, December |