What are Shorties?

Shorties is a scroll-based experience on our platform that is currently in beta. It promotes vertically filmed videos by sharing small clips to give viewers a modern way to engage with your content. It is best viewed on mobile devices. When a user clicks on the video, it will redirect them to your channel so they can explore more of your content. 

Upload your vertically filmed videos the same way you would upload normally. Once it's approved and gains some views, it will automatically export over to the Shorties section. 

Shorties is currently in beta and we regularly test new features to analyze how users respond and engage. In some cases, the features may get rolled back. We will continue to optimize this section as we gain more data and consumer insights.

You can find Shorties under the main Pornhub menu or by clicking here: https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/shorties 

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