Make More Money in the Model Program with Auto-Exports!

We export videos from Pornhub to YouPorn, Redtube and Tube8.

What does this mean? It’s an opportunity to increase your earnings!

No need to worry about re-uploading! Your content uploaded to Pornhub will automatically be exported to the other sites. 

Our algorithm selects which videos to export across the network sites on a daily basis. Not all content will be exported.

You will still receive one payment per month (as long as the minimum of $100 is made) with the combined earnings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: YouPorn, Redtube, and Tube8 video views are calculated differently than Pornhub views.

On YouPorn, Redtube, and Tube8, any page visit is counted as a video view. On Pornhub, the rules are a little stricter to avoid spam. Your YouPorn, Redtube, and Tube8 views will likely be higher, and we then calculate the real number of views by comparing with traffic data.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!


How do I log in to Youporn, Redtube and Tube8?

As of October 2024, Models will not be able to sign in directly to our network sites with their Pornhub credentials. All exported content video analytics can be found through your Pornhub Model Dashboard.

Where do I see what content was exported?

You can find your exported views by selecting one of your videos in the video manager and clicking on the Video Analytics tab..
If your video was exported, your views will be broken down by Pornhub and network views (Youporn, Redtube, and Tube8).

I don’t want my content exported?

You can opt-out by going to the Account Details tab of your Core Settings by checking the box under "Export Options". Please keep in mind that by opting out, you would be losing out on the opportunity to make extra earnings!

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