Exclusivity: Let Pornhub Work For You!

Nothing is worse than seeing your content on other sites if you're not getting paid for it!

In order to ensure that every view that your work receives is being monetized, we are offering a special service for our exclusive Pornhub Models.

By opting in to be exclusive on the Pornhub Network, it will enable us to scan other tubes and remove your stolen content by sending out DMCA takedowns on your behalf. As an active and exclusive Pornhub model, you’ll also get an extra 5% payout on your free-to-view videos on our site.

Your content will also appear in the Exclusive Category on Pornhub.
However, if you choose to delete your video(s) from Pornhub, deactivate your Pornhub account, opt-out of exclusivity, or you are no longer part of the Model Program, we cannot issue takedown notices on your behalf. You will have to contact the other tube sites directly to have your content removed.




The Opt-in will look as follows and will appear in your Model settings page, under your selected payment method. You will also see a pop up when you log into your account.

I understand that I retain control and legitimate ownership rights in all of the content that I have uploaded to Pornhub or will in the future upload to Pornhub (the “Content”) and confirm my agreement to add my Content to the “Exclusive” category on Pornhub, for which I will receive a 5% bonus on ad revenues. I understand that the 5% bonus on ad revenues does not apply to paid videos. I also understand that I can request to have my Content removed from Pornhub at any time. I understand and agree that I cannot upload or make available the Content on any website or online platform on which content is made available for free or without a subscription payment. 

By uploading Content to Pornhub, I agree to authorize Pornhub to act on my behalf in connection with all instances of enforcement of copyrights in my Content, including issuing notices of claimed infringement or “takedown notices” to other websites on my behalf. I also agree to authorize Pornhub to fingerprint my Content on fingerprinting services to prevent its uploading to any website or online platform on which content is made available free or without a subscription payment or to identify and remove my Content from such platforms. Pornhub may exercise this authority granted by me at its own option where Pornhub discovers instances of infringement in the copyright of my Content. Neither Pornhub nor any of its agents accepts any liability that may arise from exercising those rights and I agree to hold Pornhub and its agents harmless from all claims arising out of or related to Pornhub’s exercise of such authority. 



  • You’ll receive an extra 5% ad bonus on all your free, active videos 
  • Pornhub acts as your representative and scans other tube sites for you. If your exclusive Pornhub videos are uploaded onto other free sites like XVideos and xHamster, Pornhub will help remove these videos by sending DMCA takedown notices on your behalf.  
  • Since we scan all free sites for possible stolen content uploads, you cannot upload your Pornhub videos to other tube sites like as free-to-view content. You’ll also need to remove your free content form other tube sites to avoid getting DMCA takedown notices. If you ever want to upload to other free sites, you'll need to opt-out of copyright protection and extra money. 
  • You can still upload your content to Pornhub and your own websites, or paysites, and Pornhub will never issue takedowns for that content. This is to keep your active content off free sites only. 
  • Auto-exports to Pornhub network sites will also be unaffected as they are a part of the Pornhub Network. 
  • If you are exclusive and upload videos onto Pornhub that you share the rights to with other Models and/or studios, take note that these videos cannot be uploaded to other free sites by anyone. If so, they will be detected by our scanners and takedown notices will be sent. To avoid this, you can either 1. opt out of exclusivity or 2. avoid uploading these specific videos onto Pornhub. This does not apply to other for-sale clip sites – only free. 
  • You can always change your mind about exclusivity and opt out. If so, you’ll forfeit the 5% bonus 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

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