There's always something in the works here at Pornhub, so be sure to follow our social media accounts to stay updated on new projects and Model Program updates. Here is a breakdown of all of our social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and Discord.
Follow @Pornhub to stay updated on what's going on in the Pornhub community, including projects and campaigns, new merch collections, and industry news.
Follow @PornhubHelp to stay updated on news and updates on the Model Program, contests, new features, and blog posts. DM us here if you have any questions or need help with your account.
Check out these great examples from FreckledRED and Ginger_Banks:
Pornhub Discord Channel
Discord is a cross-platform chat app where linked-mind people across the globe can come together and connect through text, audio, videos, and photos. Models can use this platform to promote their brand on Pornhub, grow their fanbase, and interact with others in our Pornhub community.
Since joining the Discord world and launching our very own Pornhub server, our Discord community has grown amazingly and now has over 400,000 members! It offers a safe and social space to interact with Models, users, PH staff, and a team of dedicated Discord moderators who host workshops, group activities, Model Program advice, and giveaways.
How To Join: Click the link to join the server and participate in some channels, like General and Media Sharing:
In order to have full access, join other channels such as the Model Lounge, and post content, you must get verified by one of our moderators by clicking on the “How to Verify” channel. A moderator with gladly help with getting your verified, giving you full access to the server, including their “Verified Only” sections.
Take note that in order to maintain a safe and supportive space, Discord follows its own Community Guidelines on what is and what is not allowed on the platform.