Where can I see my Viewshare earnings?

If you have uploaded full-length, HD content to Premium/Viewshare, you can view and track your earnings. Navigate to the video manager and click on the “Earnings” tab.

By default You will be presented with the your Viewshare video revenue details (you also have the option of looking at your Payout Program revenue):

Total Payments The amount that has been paid out to you to date.
Pending Balance The amount of earnings that has yet to be paid out to you. Once this payment is sent out, it will become part of the Total Payments. 

Amounts shown here could simply be amounts waiting to be paid out from the previous month or it could be a balance rolling over until it meets the payment type minimum amount. 
This Month Estimate This field is this month's earning estimate based on past months performance.

By default, the results on the page include earnings from all platforms and are for the present month. You can choose to filter the results by a specific tube (Pornhub, YouPorn, Redtube) and even select a past month or all time.

In the channels section, you'll see all the active channels you have in Premium and how much each of these channels has made separately. You can get even more details by clicking the (+) sign on the left of the channel. This will expand the channel to show each Premium video in that channel and how much that video has generated.

At the bottom of the page you'll find a history of past payments to you. like the previous section, you can choose to export the payments section into raw data in the form of a CSV.

Regarding Payout Program revenue; The Payout Program pays partners a standard rate on Content Partner Program videos (free videos) viewed by Premium user. By selecting the “Payout Program” link at the top of the page, you will be able to view the details of the Payout Program the same way you would your Viewshare payout.

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