Ready to start earning with Pornhub’s Content Partner Program? Start by creating a free Pornhub user account, and then fill out the application form.
Our team will review your application and will be in touch within 72 hours.
In order to join our Content Partner Program, we require company information and documentation. This verification is performed in accordance with our Terms of Service to ensure compliance is met with new partners and content.
Initially, you need to provide account information such as:
- Account holder’s name
- Account holder’s Company name (if applicable)
- Company’s principal name and title
- Contact email and address
- Employee name and title (if different from the account holder)
Following this, your company and content will need to be validated by way of the following:
1) A validation of the content appearing on your paysite as well as the content you plan to upload to Pornhub and its network.
Must provide:
- Login information to your paysite/member’s area.
- Valid 2257, release form and IDs for all performers appearing in the content.
2) A validation of your business, also known as a KYC (Know Your Client) review.
Must provide:
- A certificate of incorporation, a Company good standing document or Company extract
- A proof of latest tax filing, utility bill addressed to you, issued by a reputable service provider, or a scan of a government issued ID
- Proof of ownership of domain name which can be a certificate of ownership, invoice for the latest renewal of the domain name, or a screenshot demonstrating our access to the count on the relevant registrar’s website through which the domain is registered.
Please note that we will provide a secure link to submit the above documentation to protect your privacy and security. From there, our compliance teams will review the paperwork and we will follow up accordingly.
Pornhub - New Partner Account Creation or New Partner Channel Process
The chart below illustrates the new partner account creation and new partner channel process