Content Removal Request Form

 Report Illegal or Abusive Content

Unlike many other user-generated content sharing platforms, pornographic and sexually explicit material is accepted on Pornhub. That being said, all content uploaded to our platform must be legal and adhere to our Terms of Service. We are committed to working to ensure that our community remains safe, inclusive, diverse, and free from abusive and illegal content.

If you are the victim or have first-hand knowledge of illegal content, we encourage you to notify us immediately by completing and submitting our Content Removal Request Form in order to initiate a content review process and take other necessary actions.

Reporting users or content this way is completely confidential. When you submit a content removal request form, your name and other personal information will not be shared with the person whose content or account you are reporting.

Below are two examples of content that contravenes our policies which you should alert us to through this form:

When filling out our Content Removal Request form, we ask that you please include all relevant URL links as well as the reason and any additional context that you feel will assist us in reviewing your request to have the content removed. All content removal requests submitted are reviewed, addressed, and removed expeditiously, where appropriate.

Pornhub takes all removal requests seriously and treats them with equal attention. Where content is deemed to violate our Terms of Service, it will be removed.

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