Our Commitment to Trust and Safety
At Pornhub, nothing is more important than the safety of our community and the
trust of our users. Our core values, such as inclusivity and freedom of expression,
are only possible when our platform maintains its safety and integrity and can
be trusted by our adult users, as well as our business and content partners.
We remain steadfast in our commitment to eliminating illegal content, including
non-consensual intimate material and child sexual abuse material (CSAM). Every
online platform shares this responsibility, and it requires collective action,
cooperation, and constant vigilance.
Over the years, we have deployed many measures to protect our platform from illegal
and abusive content. We are continually improving our Trust and Safety policies
to better identify, remove, review, and report illegal material, both before
being made available on our platforms and once reported to us. While leading
non-profit and advocacy groups recognize that our efforts have been effective,
we understand that our efforts must be ongoing and always strive to innovate.
In early 2020, we voluntarily registered to report to the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) as part of their ESP program. In the
spring of 2021, we issued our first transparency report, which provides more
information about our approach to moderation, related policies, partnerships
and Trust and Safety efforts. We plan to produce annual
<a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/5357457259155-2021-Transparency-Report">Transparency Reports</a>
moving forward. Further details on our policies can be found below.
We also took additional steps to further protect our community, including banning
content downloads and restricting the ability to upload to verified uploaders
only. We continue to build upon our verification and moderation efforts through
tools, technology, and partnerships, as they become available.
Members of our Trusted Flagger Program, which now includes dozens of non-profit
organizations, may alert us of potential CSAM or non-consensual content. Pornhub
users may also alert us to potentially abusive material by using our user, content,
and comment flagging features. Users may alert us to content that may be illegal
or otherwise violate our
<a href="https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/information/terms">Terms of Service</a> by using
the flagging feature found below all videos and photos, or by filling out our
<a href="https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/content-removal">Content Removal Request</a>
(CRR) form. Flags and CRRs are kept confidential, and we review all content
that is brought to our attention by users through these means.
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<strong>1. </strong><strong>Verified Content Creators</strong>
Only verified content creators may upload content to Pornhub.
<strong>Who are "Verified Content Creators?"</strong>
Verified content creators include the following groups:
Verified Models within the <a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419879760403-How-to-Sign-Up-and-Join-the-Model-Program-">Model Program</a>
Verified Studios within the <a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419878848019-What-is-the-Content-Partner-Program-">Content Partner Program </a>
<strong>How Can Content Creators Get Verified?</strong>
Our Content Partners maintain proof of ID, age and consent for all performers who are featured in content uploaded to Pornhub.
To become a member of the Model Program, the user must verify their age and identity before they are eligible to upload content to Pornhub. Members of the Model Program must also obtain, retain, and provide identification and evidence of consent to record and distribute for every performer appearing in their content before their content is uploaded to Pornhub. This requires the Model or Co-Performer to submit the following prior to upload:
Government-issued photo identification for all performers
Consent documentation, such as signed Release Forms, for all performers appearing in content uploaded to Pornhub
To learn more about joining the Model Program, click <a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419879760403-How-to-Sign-Up-and-Join-the-Model-Program-">here</a>.
To learn more about our trusted third-party identification verification service, click <a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/19159382668435-Trust-and-Safety-Initiatives">here</a>.
<strong>2. </strong><strong>Banning Downloads</strong>
We have removed the ability for users to download content from Pornhub. In
tandem with our fingerprinting technology, this will help prevent previously
removed content from being re-uploaded.
<strong>3. </strong><strong>Content Moderation</strong>
We use a combination of automated tools, artificial intelligence, and human
review to help protect our community from illegal content. While all content
is reviewed prior to going live on the platform, we also have additional
layers of moderation, which audit our live sites by proactively sweeping
content already uploaded for potential violations and identifying any breakdowns
in the moderation process that could allow a piece of content that violates
our Terms of Service to be available on our platform.
Additionally, while our list of banned keywords on Pornhub is already extensive,
we continue to ban new keywords on an ongoing basis. We also regularly monitor
search terms within the platform for increases in phrasing that attempt to
bypass the safeguards in place and adapt our banned keywords accordingly.
Pornhub's content moderation process includes an extensive team of human
moderators dedicated to manually reviewing every single upload before it
is published, a thorough system for flagging, reviewing, and removing illegal
material, parental controls, and the utilization of a variety of automated
detection technologies for known and previously identified, or potentially
inappropriate content. These technologies include:
<strong>CSAI Match</strong>: YouTube’s proprietary
<a href="https://www.youtube.com/csai-match/">technology</a> for combating
Child Sexual Abuse Imagery online.
<strong>Google Content Safety API</strong>: Google's
<a href="https://protectingchildren.google/intl/en/">artificial intelligence tool</a>
that helps detect illegal imagery.
<a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/photodna">Microsoft’s technology</a>
that aids in finding and removing known images of child exploitation.
<a href="https://www.vobilegroup.com/">Vobile</a>’s fingerprinting software
that scans any new uploads for potential matches to unauthorized materials
to protect against banned videos being re-uploaded to the platform.
<strong>Safer</strong>: In November 2020, we became the first adult content
platform to partner with <a href="https://www.thorn.org/">Thorn</a>,
allowing us to begin using its <a href="https://safer.io/">Safer</a>
product on Pornhub, adding an additional layer of protection in our robust
compliance and content moderation process. Safer joins the list of technologies
that Pornhub utilizes to help protect visitors from unwanted or illegal
<strong>Instant Image Identifier</strong>: The Centre for Expertise on Online Sexual Child Abuse (<a href="https://offlimits.nl/">Offlimits</a>) tool, commissioned by the European Commission, detects known child abuse imagery using a triple verified database.
<strong><a href="https://www.missingkids.org/">NCMEC</a> Hash Sharing</strong>: NCMEC’s database of known CSAM hashes, including hashes submitted by individuals who fingerprinted their own underage content via NCMEC’s <a href="https://takeitdown.ncmec.org/">Take It Down</a> service.
<strong><a href="https://www.iwf.org.uk/">Internet Watch Foundation</a> (IWF) Hash List</strong>: IWF’s database of known CSAM, sourced from hotline reports and the UK Home Office’s Child Abuse Image Database.
<strong><a href="https://www.stopncii.org/">StopNCII.org</a></strong>: A global initiative (developed by Meta & SWGfL) that prevents the spread of non-consensual intimate images (NCII) online. If any adult (18+) is concerned about their intimate images (or videos) being shared online without consent, they can create a digital fingerprint of their own material and prevent it from being shared across participating platforms.
<strong>Safeguard</strong>: Safeguard is Pornhub’s proprietary image
recognition technology designed with the purpose of combatting both child
sexual abuse imagery and non-consensual content, by preventing the re-uploading
of previously fingerprinted content to our platform.
<strong>Age Estimation</strong>: We also utilize age estimation capabilities
to analyze content uploaded to our platform using a combination of internal
proprietary software and external technology
in an effort to strengthen the varying methods we use to prevent the
upload and publication of potential or actual CSAM.
<strong>Transcription Service</strong>: Our transcription service transcribes the audio in uploaded videos to text. Transcribed text is then run against our list of banned words to assist our moderation team in identifying content that may violate our <a href="https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/information/terms">Terms of Service</a> or <a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419900587155-Community-Guidelines">Community Guidelines</a>.
<strong>Watermark Detection Service</strong>: We utilize internal proprietary technology to detect watermarks identified in violative content to assist in identifying and removing new or related uploads of this content.
Users may alert us to content that may be illegal or otherwise violates our <a href="https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/information/terms">Terms of Service</a> by
using the flagging feature, found below all videos and photos, or by filling
out our <a href="https://www-pornhub.mrst.one/content-removal">Content Removal Request</a> form.
<strong>4. Trusted Flagger Program</strong>
<a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419879221907">Trusted Flagger Program</a>
is an initiative to empower non-profit and NGO partners to alert us of content
they believe violates our Terms of Service. The Trusted Flagger Program consists
of more than 40 leading organizations in internet and child safety. Our partners
have a direct line of access to our moderation team, and any content identified
by a Trusted Flagger is immediately disabled. Members of the Trusted Flagger
Program include: Cyber Civil Rights Initiative (United States of America),
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (United States of America),
Internet Watch Foundation (United Kingdom), Point de Contact (France), Centre
for Safer Internet Slovenia (Slovenia), ECPAT (Sweden), ECPAT (Taiwan).
<strong>5. </strong><strong>NCMEC Reporting</strong>
In early 2020, Pornhub voluntarily registered with NCMEC’s ESP program as
part of an initiative to set up an automated reporting system for content
that violates our
<a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/4419869793683">CSAM policy</a>.
We will also continue to work with law enforcement globally to report and
curb any instances involving illegal content.
<strong>6. </strong><strong>Transparency Report</strong>
<a href="https://help-pornhub.mrst.one/hc/en-us/articles/5357457259155-2021-Transparency-Report">Transparency Reports</a>
enable the public to better understand not only how we strive to keep our
platform safe, but how we as a company are actively contributing to the fight
against illegal and abusive content. These reports expand on our proactive
and defensive strategies to prevent, detect, and remove illegal content,
as well as content moderation results for the respective year.
Much like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other tech platforms, Pornhub
seeks to be fully transparent about the data pertaining to violative content
uploads and the quantitative results of our Trust and Safety efforts to prevent
such material from appearing on our platform. We take pride in the fact that
we are the first the adult platform to release a Transparency Report, having
published our inaugural report in April 2021. We will continue to release
these reports on an annual basis.
<p> </p>
<hr style="border: 1px solid #696969;">
The Pornhub Community
- Accessibility
- Core Values
- About The Community
- View Fraud
- Pornhub Literacy
- Trust and Safety Initiatives
Policies and Related Guidelines
- Translated Articles
- Community Guidelines
- Child Sexual Abuse Material Policy
- Non-Consensual Content Policy
- Hate Speech Policy
- Animal Welfare Policy
Reporting Abuse And Violations
Transparency Report
- EU DSA Transparency report – February 2025
- 2024 Transparency Report (Second Half)
- 2024 Transparency Report (First Half)
- EU DSA Transparency Report - August 2024
- 2023 Transparency Report (Second Half)
- 2023 Transparency Report (First Half)