Pornhub continuously strives to offer the best user experience possible, and that includes endeavoring to make our site more accessible to our diverse global community of users. That is why we have dedicated content collections tailored for both our audio-impaired and visually-impaired community of users.
Championed by Pornhub’s philanthropic division Pornhub Cares, these accessibility measures seek to help institute a larger dialogue within Pornhub’s community with regards to how the site can not only better serve the audio and visually impaired, but to also understand how to make the site accessible to all.
According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), approximately 15 percent of American adults (roughly 37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some trouble hearing. Apply that to the rest of the world, who we serve on a daily basis, and that number increases exponentially.
To that end, Pornhub launched a collection of top-viewed videos from the site’s straight, popular with women, gay, bi and transsexual categories, integrating descriptive and interpretive text aimed to help improve the experience for users who are not able to hear the video’s original audio. Our descriptive and interpretive texts aim to help to distinguish between different people talking and emotional changes in their voice or non-vocal audio that’s relevant to the storyline.
Check out our Closed Captioning category here.
We encourage users to provide feedback, which is especially important as we seek to continue to offer content with the differently-abled user in mind. Users can provide us with feedback and/or tips by reaching out to us via
Learn more about our closed captioning initiative here.
Pornhub also launched a collection of audio-enhanced videos for our visually-impaired users featuring voiceovers by both professional voice actors as well as Pornhub Aria, Pornhubs’s social media personality. Each video includes special narration that has been tailored and crafted to give the user full enjoyment of the scene and includes descriptions of the models, their actions, position changes, outfits, and settings—the original audio remains intact but will act as an underscore to the scene.
Check out our Described Video category here.
We encourage users to provide feedback, which is especially important as we seek to continue to offer content with the differently-abled user in mind. Users can provide us with feedback and/or tips by reaching out to us via
Learn more about our described video initiative here.