Pornhub Trusted Flagger Program

Pornhub’s Trusted Flagger Program was developed to provide a robust and efficient way for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and statutory offices to alert us of content that potentially violates our Terms of Service.

As a member of the Pornhub Trusted Flagger Program, you will be able to:

  • Report multiple pieces of content at one time;
  • Effect immediate suspension of all valid URLs reported; 
  • Have visibility into decisions on reported content; and
  • Get access to a dedicated support team and a direct line of communication with the Trusted Flagger Program.

All valid and relevant content URLs reported by our Trusted Flaggers are automatically suspended and reviewed by our dedicated team of moderators. The expertise and high degree of accuracy Trusted Flaggers possess in identifying potentially infringing content increases the speed at which content can be actioned.

If you wish to join the program, please reach out to us to express your interest. Please note that, at this time, we are limiting membership to Non-Governmental Organizations and Statutory Offices. Thank you for your understanding.

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