Notice To Law Enforcement

The following information serves as a guideline for law enforcement officials seeking disclosure of records. You may serve us a valid Court Order, Subpoena, Search Warrant or equivalent Legal or Official Administrative Document by respecting the following conditions:

  1. The document(s) is uploaded, and all required fields have been filed out adequately on our Legal Service Process Platform located at: 

  1. The document(s) you are serving is correctly issued by a valid Court of Law or equivalent legal or administrative authority to the right operating entity for the Site in question. (See Platform to find the operating entity);
  2. The document(s) is also sent by mail at the following address:

195-197 Old Nicosia-Limassol Road,
Block 1 Dali Industrial Zone, Cyprus 2540

We reserve the right to refuse online service through our Platform, namely in cases where the above requirements are not met and require formal legal service at the above address. In such event, you will be notified. We may raise or waive any legal objection or right available, in our sole discretion.

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