Requesting Personal Information
Pornhub is a video-sharing platform that enables members of the public to upload audiovisual content and view content uploaded by others. Pornhub, and other sites like it, acts as a mere conduit of user-generated content. As such, Pornhub acts simply as a host provider lacking any editorial role and is only a forum for the expression of ideas, thoughts, and information. Uploaders of the user-generated content are solely responsible for their user-generated content and the consequences of posting or publishing such content. Pornhub is not responsible for any inaccurate, wrong, offensive, inappropriate, or defamatory content that is contained on the site. Pornhub may disclose its user’s account records (including personal or other information, which may include: name, email address(es), and a recent login/logout IP address(es), if available) in response to a valid subpoena or similar investigative demand, a court order or other judicial order. In such cases, Pornhub may raise or waive any legal objection or right available to it, in its sole discretion.